image of group of people standing and in chairs on steps of capitol in Springfield with fists raised

Disability advocates in Springfield for Governor Pritzker’s first Budget Address

Governor Pritzker’s 2019 Budget Address Advocacy staff from Progress Center for Independent Living will be in Springfield on February 20, 2019 for Governor JB Pritzker’s first Budget Address as the governor of Illinois. “I look forward to hearing the address and hearing about budget line items,” said Larry Biondi, Progress Center’s Advocacy Coordinator.  “We hope…

image of a piece of the Progress Center Logo, with icon of person with wheelchair, and two people walking, one with a cane.

A Quick Reference Guide to Medicare

A Quick Reference Guide to Medicare Progress Center has a new document available for people who are enrolled in the Medicare Healthcare System.  The document is called a “Quick Reference Guide to Medicare.” The guide is intended to provide information about Medicare in four alternative formats.  The guide is available for download on this page,…