Discussion with Forest Park Village Administrator — Tuesday, May 10 at 2 p.m.
Join Progress Center’s Larry Biondi Legislative Training Class on Tuesday, May 10 for a discussion with Forest Park’s Village Administrator. The Village Administrator Moses Amidei will join the group for discussion and questions about the role of an administrator and about access and accommodations in Forest Park. The meeting starts at 2 p.m. and will be hosted over zoom. One issue the administrator is now working on is an ADA Transition Plan for the Village of Forest Park. The administrator would like feedback and comments from the community on the transition plan. The transition plan can be accessed at this link: Transition Plan. According to the Forest Park Village, the transition plan ” addresses the public right-of-ways portion of the ADA requirements.”
The Larry Biondi Legislative Training is a seven-week course that meets once a week. The course covers, self-advocacy, disability history, local government, regional government, and Federal Government. The session on May 10 is open to all members of the community, not only current students.
Here is the zoom information to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 0693 9102
Passcode: 544629
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,88506939102# US (Chicago)
+13017158592,,88506939102# US (Washington DC)
For accommodation requests, please contact garnold@progresscil.org