image of a multi unit, three of four story residential building

Emergency Rental Assistance Available from Cook County

Between now (March 22) and April 2 (Update: The Deadline has been extended to April 9), Cook County is accepting applications for emergency rental assistance.  If you have been impacted financially by covid-19, you are eligible to apply for assistance. Here is a link with more information: Here is a checklist of things needed…


UIC recruiting focus group participants

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) recruiting focus group participants 2021-UIC WE WALK 4 HEALTH FOCUS GROUP RECRUITMENT FLYER-Spanish 2021-UIC WE WALK 4 HEALTH FOCUS GROUP RECRUITMENT FLYER We Walk 4 Health: A Health Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities The goal of this research is to use technology…

Image with text that reads "Covid-19 Information."

Personal Assistants are eligible for the Covid-19 Vaccine

In a letter dated January 21, 2021, the Illinois Department of Human Services published a letter for all providers who work with consumers in the Illinois Home Services Program.  This letter indicates that all personal assistants (providers) are eligible for Covid-19 Vaccinations and that the State of Illinois would provide support to individuals who are…

Image with text that reads "Covid-19 Information."

Covid-19 Information and Resource Page — 2021(updated April 2021)

This page includes information about Covid-19 from the Cook County Department of Public Health and other resources. Information about testing and vaccines is included.  Late in 2020, the Cook County Department of Public Health formed a partnership with community-based organizations across Cook County, including Progress Center.  Through the partnership, community-based organizations will share information about…

image of two people interacting, one in a wheelchair and one leaning down toward the wheelchair user. Person is wheelchair holding paper. Second image of person cleaning kitchen counter top.

Emergency Back Up Provider Program — Contact Progress Center if your personal assistant is unable to work due to Covid-19

Emergency Back Up Provider Program:  Progress Center is now operating an Emergency Back-Up Provider program.  Through this program, people in the Illinois Home Services Program can secure a back-up provider if their regular personal assistant is unable to work for a reason related to Covid-19. Progress Center has established a dedicated phone line for this…

image of three people who are African American. The three people are holding a Progress Center banner at the Disability Pride Parade.

Emergency Back Up Providers and PPE

Emergency Back Up Provider Program:  Progress Center is now operating an Emergency Back Up Provider program.  In the early stages of the pandemic, Progress Center had a program that could place an emergency provider with someone in the Home Services program in emergency need of a personal assistant. The program specifically was to support people…

image of a multi unit, three of four story residential building

Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List Lottery opens on October 19

The Housing Authority of Cook County is opening its Housing Choice Voucher wait list on Monday, October 19, 2020. The housing authority will begin to accept wait list applications at 8:30 in the morning on October 19.  The housing authority will accept applications for the waiting list until Monday, November 2 at 4:30 p.m.  This…

Three Progress Center supporters holding the Progress Center Banner at the Disability Pride Parade

Medicare Part D Annual Enrollment Period

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period begins on October 15 and ends on December 7.  During the Annual Enrollment Period, Medicare Beneficiaries may:  switch Medicare Plans, join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, switch from one prescription drug plan to another prescription drug plan, drop Medicare Prescription Drug coverage.  Progress Center has four health benefits counselors on staff. …

Image of participants who graduated from the Progress Center Fall 2019 Legislative Course

2020 Fall Legislative Training — Starting Tuesday, October 6

Progress Center for Independent Living invites you to an online Legislative Training. The eight-week training meets once a week on Tuesdays (2 p.m.) and begins on October 6. The training will give participants the opportunity to: Learn how to make a difference in the Legislative process. Learn how to share your opinions and make your…

Age Options logo, includes the two words "Age Options," with a blue line and an orange line under the e in age, and the O and the P in Options.

2020-August — Benefits and Services Updates from Age Options

The information below was compiled by Age Options and shared with partners within the Age Options network. The information below includes updates to benefits programs and services, and other resources that apply to seniors and people with disabilities in the context of Covid-19.  Thank you so much to Age Options for putting together this information.…